Are Dr. Reddy’s Generic Suboxone Films Making You Sick?

Way back in 2019 I wrote a short online article about my experience of getting sick while taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films. In less than one year there were over 120 comments from guests stating they had the same experience or worse. Are you taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films? Are Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films making you feel sick?

My Dr. Reddy’s Generic Suboxone Films Experience

By 2019 I had been taking Suboxone for 5 years. I started taking the actual Suboxone films when my insurance was willing to pay for them. No issues. In late 2016 my health insurance changed, forcing me to switch to generic Suboxone tablets. Not a single issue. In fact, I actually prefer the generic tablets over the films due to the taste. Again, no issues.

Then, in 2019 my Suboxone doctor recommended I try Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave them try. The first month seemed okay, but by week 5 I knew something was off. I wasn’t in withdrawal, but I felt a little shaky by the end of every day. I also noticed my stomach was consistently “off”. The biggest indicator was feeling extremely tired every day. I felt sleepy all day, and wasn’t ever able to get enough sleep to feel better. Those symptoms got worse over the following 2 weeks.

By week 7 I had had enough. I looked at my sleep, my diet, medications, exercise, etc. I had changed nothing in the months prior. Well, except for one thing: I had switched from generic Suboxone tablets to Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films 7 weeks ago.

The most difficult part of determining that Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films were making me sick was the fact that none of the symptoms happened quickly. They happened slowly. Very slowly. It wasn;t until almost week 5 that I felt bad enough to start thinking about it. I knew something was off, but not sure what. It took two more weeks of feeling like garbage to realize there was definitely something wrong. Around week 6 I noticed I had stomach issues. Nothing major, but discomfort nonetheless.

I think the most frustrating part of this is how slowly these issues crept up on me. A slow descent into feeling not so great is much more difficult to diagnose than a quick one. At times the symptoms were mild enough that I thought “maybe it’s just me”. Yet, by week 7 I felt terrible and was starting to feel mild withdrawal symptoms almost daily. It seemed as if I’d feel “okay” for about two hours after taking a strip. Then, the symptoms would start showing up again.

The Switch Back to Generic Tablets

The switch back to generic Suboxone tablets was when I knew it was Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films were the root of all of my health issues. Within 2 hours of taking a generic Suboxone tablet I felt like a new man. All of my symptoms went away in an instant. I felt normal again. Awake. Energetic. Healthy. I’ve felt great ever since.

You are Not Alone

I have talked to at least 12 people (in person) who’ve had a negative reaction to Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films and received blog comments from over 120 people. If you’re taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films and feeling less than great, then there’s probably a good chance you should try changing to something else. Anything else.

Are Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films making you feel sick?

If you can answer “Yes” to this, please leave a comment and share your experience.
Your feedback about Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films may help other people in recovery.

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