Are Dr. Reddy’s Generic Suboxone Films Making You Sick?

Way back in 2019 I wrote a short online article about my experience of getting sick while taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films. In less than one year there were over 120 comments from guests stating they had the same experience or worse. Are you taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films? Are Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films making you feel sick?

My Dr. Reddy’s Generic Suboxone Films Experience

By 2019 I had been taking Suboxone for 5 years. I started taking the actual Suboxone films when my insurance was willing to pay for them. No issues. In late 2016 my health insurance changed, forcing me to switch to generic Suboxone tablets. Not a single issue. In fact, I actually prefer the generic tablets over the films due to the taste. Again, no issues.

Then, in 2019 my Suboxone doctor recommended I try Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave them try. The first month seemed okay, but by week 5 I knew something was off. I wasn’t in withdrawal, but I felt a little shaky by the end of every day. I also noticed my stomach was consistently “off”. The biggest indicator was feeling extremely tired every day. I felt sleepy all day, and wasn’t ever able to get enough sleep to feel better. Those symptoms got worse over the following 2 weeks.

By week 7 I had had enough. I looked at my sleep, my diet, medications, exercise, etc. I had changed nothing in the months prior. Well, except for one thing: I had switched from generic Suboxone tablets to Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films 7 weeks ago.

The most difficult part of determining that Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films were making me sick was the fact that none of the symptoms happened quickly. They happened slowly. Very slowly. It wasn;t until almost week 5 that I felt bad enough to start thinking about it. I knew something was off, but not sure what. It took two more weeks of feeling like garbage to realize there was definitely something wrong. Around week 6 I noticed I had stomach issues. Nothing major, but discomfort nonetheless.

I think the most frustrating part of this is how slowly these issues crept up on me. A slow descent into feeling not so great is much more difficult to diagnose than a quick one. At times the symptoms were mild enough that I thought “maybe it’s just me”. Yet, by week 7 I felt terrible and was starting to feel mild withdrawal symptoms almost daily. It seemed as if I’d feel “okay” for about two hours after taking a strip. Then, the symptoms would start showing up again.

The Switch Back to Generic Tablets

The switch back to generic Suboxone tablets was when I knew it was Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films were the root of all of my health issues. Within 2 hours of taking a generic Suboxone tablet I felt like a new man. All of my symptoms went away in an instant. I felt normal again. Awake. Energetic. Healthy. I’ve felt great ever since.

You are Not Alone

I have talked to at least 12 people (in person) who’ve had a negative reaction to Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films and received blog comments from over 120 people. If you’re taking Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films and feeling less than great, then there’s probably a good chance you should try changing to something else. Anything else.

Are Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films making you feel sick?

If you can answer “Yes” to this, please leave a comment and share your experience.
Your feedback about Dr. Reddy’s generic Suboxone films may help other people in recovery.


  1. John on July 6, 2024 at 1:00 am

    I’ve been on these for over 3 months and feel just fine honestly, I honestly don’t even feel the difference, and I was taking suboxone films for over 15 years

    • Steve Tana on August 1, 2024 at 6:41 pm

      That’s encouraging to hear. It seems like some people have an adverse reaction while others don’t. I’m glad you’re feeling good!

  2. Rashelle DeJean-Greenwood on August 10, 2024 at 3:54 am

    I just filled my suboxone prescription on Weds & was given the generic Dr. Reddys for the 1st time. I’ve been taking suboxone since Nov 2023 and have had ZERO issues. So, I started the generic on Weds afternoon and by Thursday night, I started feeling AWFUL! I’ve been having flu-like symptoms off & on, complete w/a low-grade fever. I also have Fibromyalgia so at first I was thinking it could be a fibro flare-up…but I haven’t had 1 in YEARS! The more I think about it, the more it creeps into my mind that it very well might BE the switch to generic suboxone?!?! If I’m not feeling any better by the end of the weekend, I will DEFINITELY be giving my Dr a call to see what we can do about this?!?! Bc this is MISERABLE!!

  3. Ray on August 12, 2024 at 10:53 pm

    Dr reddys suck!

  4. Don Welke on August 24, 2024 at 8:41 pm

    I have been stable on Suboxone/Subutex for over 15 years. Two films taken daily was a life-saver for me. I took the blue and white brand name for most of that time and the “yellows” by Alvogen for several years without incident.

    In March 2024, I was in the emergency room having been switched from the yellow generic films to Dr. Reddy’s about two weeks earlier. My Rite Aid was resupplied for my next fill and I switched back to the “yellows” and was normal for 5 months. As Rite Aid in my area is closing, I again, went to another pharmacy where they provided me with Dr. Reddy’s about a month ago. I was in the ER again this week with identical symptoms.

    I beg for a endocrinologist and am ignored. I tell my doctor, “Dr. Reddy’s is making me sick,” and he recommends I read up on endorphins and cut back my dose of Dr. Reddy’s to 3 times 1/2 films per day. The medical system is a nightmare now and I am terrified to take these things for fear of the following:

    Extreme dizziness,
    Profuse running nose,
    Ringing ears,
    Low blood pressure,
    Muscle cramps,
    Frequent urination,
    Extreme headaches,

    I would rather suffer withdrawal than be hospitalized again for what sounds like withdrawal but definitely is not. There is something wrong with this brand and by the way, I am familiar with the role of endorphins holding a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from MSU.

    I am also familiar with opioid induced adrenal insufficiency for which I would like to know why Dr. Reddy’s might be causing but the “yellows” do not. I found out this brand is made in India. I am so tired of our government ruining our lives with this nonsense. It took a week to get my provider to call me for three minutes and basically just cut my medication like we are playing roulette.

    The only thing I can do is make sure the next refill I get is NOT Dr. Reddy’s. Thanks nanny state.

  5. Susan W on September 7, 2024 at 3:58 am

    My husband has been on Suboxxone long enough to know when he got prescribed Dr Reedys he hasn’t felt right for a month. Lucky he got the regular brand back after this one. The only thing he changed was this prescription manufacturer. He felt off, fuzzy, out of it, tired, headaches and down, achy, insomnia and felt sick. We will never use this brand again.

    • Steve Tana on September 9, 2024 at 8:48 pm

      That is exactly what happened to me. I felt off and fuzzy and slept terribly. I’m glad your husband could recognize he didn’t feel like himself and was able to switch to another brand of Suboxone. There’s nothing worse than not feeling like yourself, and not knowing why.

    • Duke on November 26, 2024 at 2:06 pm

      Well I was on Suboxone & transferred pharmacies, low and behold I received Indivior brand Buprenorphine instead of Suboxone AND THEY ARE CHARGING & LABELING AS IF THEY FILLED WITH SUBOXONE!!! More importantly, it’s for pain & my pain IS NOT managed as it was before. Needless to say, I won’t use that pharmacy any longer & I will be reporting them!!! How dare them!!!

    • D.D on December 7, 2024 at 2:35 am

      How’d your husband change the prescription manufacturer? I’ve been on the Alvogen brand for years and they work great. My pharmacy changed to Dr Reddys. Does anyone know who still carries the Alvogen brand in pharmacies?

  6. Chris on September 11, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    This Generic brand literally makes me feel horrible.I have been on Alvogen for over a year with no issues,today I received this cursed brand and knew instantly I was in a situation.The Reddys brand causes the exact same symptoms the Author experienced,and also Anxiety including sweating and shakiness.There is not enough medication in these things and why the damn FDA is still allowing it to be given to patients is beyond understanding.Too many have had side effects with this brand,all different patients,all similar symptoms.There needs to be a class action suit against Dr Reddys for change to occur.I literally had to take this brand in to my prescriber last time I received it from the pharmacy to get a replacement.I will be doing the same with this one again.

  7. L. T. on September 18, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Thank goodness. It’s so validating to read these comments. Three different times whether from insurance issues or other I’ve tried the Dr. Reddy’s strips. Each time I feel some form of withdrawal symptoms even though I’m unsure if it’s actually withdrawal. One month of taking them and telling myself it was all on my head I burst into tears to my Doctor. He was taken back by my strong reaction but the month had been absolutely terrible. Mainly feeling tired, depressed and unmotivated. Because of a simple mistake I’m about to begin taking them for ten days till my next appointment. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get too bad.

  8. Shae on September 20, 2024 at 8:07 pm

    The same thing happened to me and my husband with the dr reddy brand. They need to be sued in my honest opinion. Every time I get this brand, I am so sick till I can get the name brand or the Mylan brand. They are good too. Something needs to be done about Dr Reddy!

  9. Kyle on September 22, 2024 at 10:30 pm

    I’ve been on Suboxone or Subutex since 2008.

    I started with Suboxone Tablets, then got changed to a doc that Rx’d Subutex for a bit, then changed to Suboxone Films. Next, would come the Generics. I was put on Dr. Reddy’s from Walgreen’s. The changes were gradual to hit and miss between new boxes of medication, some were horrible.

    Lesser symptoms: 3-4 Moderate to Severe Headaches a week, constant sleepiness, brain fog, lethargy, restlessness, inability to concentrate, sensitivity to light and sound.

    Night Terrors, sweats, violent shivering with teeth chattering, urinary retention and urgency, back (kidney pain) after precipitated withdrawal occurrences. Had to take more, and divide up doses to help prevent seriousness and consequences of these events. Exhausted after, took hours to recover.

    • Bryan on October 7, 2024 at 2:26 pm

      They absolutely made me sick, I had to deal with it a whole month before going back to my regular strips

    • Don Welke on December 17, 2024 at 6:23 am

      That is a great description of what my symptoms are like, especially the night terrors, which have never been an issue for me, and urinary issues. I am still fighting to get away from this brand but every pharmacy I call carries this cheap junk. I’m still struggling to understand what is going on with me after posting in August. If you learn anything new, please share.

      I made my doctor switch me to Subutex for a couple weeks, but it didn’t help. I am wondering if it was the same manufacturer or something. Like the whole industry relies on the same few suppliers of raw active ingredient and that is where the contamination is coming from. Or perhaps its as you say, “a delayed hit or miss reaction.”

      I saw my endocrinologist, have had every lab and scan known to man, and they all try to tell me I have anxiety like I am mentally unstable, so arrogant. I sat in a hospital basement for 8 hours fasting and glucose monitoring to check for cortisol “bounce”. No dice. I was starting to wonder if I had a brain tumor, but was checked for that too. I am 44 years old. The endocrinologist said, “your labs are like a a marathon runner’s, you’ll live to be a hundred, they’re better than mine.” Then he talked about my caffeine consumption and anxiety, and I got the hint, again.

      Something is happening that isn’t right. It’s totally screwing my life into a nightmare. I am down to 2 mg/day and a tiny .5 mg piece when I start withdrawing at night to sleep. I have been on this class of drug most of my life. This isn’t funny. I need more information but am glad this discussion exists.

  10. Beau J. on September 27, 2024 at 12:42 am

    I knew I wasn’t alone on this, and what is funny is you said some things I have that are identical to your description. I have been on Suboxone for about 6 years and was given Dr.Reddys for the first time this month. I was okay the first week. Nothing was bothering me except that I wanted to sleep constantly. Here it is, week 3 of taking the bym, and I had to call my doctor today and tell them I’m starting to freak out and am starting to feel that old feeling all over again. It’s bad I agree with everything you just described

  11. Lesslie on October 7, 2024 at 7:09 pm

    I’ve been on these for years and from the first time taking them right after it’s done I start with the yawning and the watery eyes and feeling tired. And I automatically thought every time I take these I feel like I’m going into withdrawal.. so glad to know it wasn’t just me thinking I was nuts…

  12. Cassandra on November 5, 2024 at 1:44 am

    There should be a lab testing this brand due to all of these similar occurrances. It seems like the concentration of buprenorphine is incorrect, like an 8 mg film may really only be 4 mg or 6 mg once metabolized. Or there is an issue with the naloxone component and maybe a small amount of that is also being metabolized therefore blocking the bupe.

    Has anyone reached out to the manufacturer, or know if they are aware of this issue?

    Most of the comments seem to be people in recovery that are solid in their recovery, but anyone can relapse. If anyone that is either more fresh in their recovery, or is in a triggering situation, if they experience this manufacturer and their symptoms are not handled, it could lead to a relapse. With what is on the street right now, that could be a matter of life and death!

  13. Jesse on December 4, 2024 at 6:38 pm

    Yea so I’ve been stable on suboxone for 6 years I recently picked up a script of Dr Reddys Generic suboxone and within hours of taking it I had a headache and was experiencing withdrawl symptoms If you can stay away from this brand I highly recommend not taking it. If you want to stay clean

  14. D.D on December 7, 2024 at 2:44 am

    So me and my husband have been on suboxone 8mg-2mg. We originally had the name brand, then was switch to subutex then back to suboxone films but the generic kind. We was on the Alvogen brand but now out pharmacy had changed manufacturers and we tried the Dr Reddys and of course we was feeling tired, lack of energy, leg cramps, headaches you name it. We’ve been trying to find a pharmacy that continues to carry the brand we’ve been on for years but with no success. I also live in Tennessee. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

  15. Dariel on December 15, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    I’m writing cause My Dr. Changed to Dr Reddy and After only 3 days of taking em I feel horrible, My Stomach is all cramped up and The Body aches are Bad when I wake up in the morning I saw She gave me a different Suboxone and They have Experimented with a few but this one is the worst

  16. Larry on January 2, 2025 at 5:19 pm

    I been on Suboxone for years doing great bout a year ago pharmacy changed to Dr Reddy’s strips I been sick to my stomach headaches feeling tired so I went to different pharmacy got another brand and am feeling great again I will never take Dr Reddy again!!

  17. Nicholas Wixom on January 14, 2025 at 12:19 pm

    Yeah they make me sick!! They are super bitter and the taste just stay and stays and stays. They make me puke. Wth

  18. Danielle Salamak on January 24, 2025 at 2:48 am

    I have been on subs for about 13 yrs, started with the name brand then they switched me to generic alvogen brand, didn’t have any issues at all and then one month cvs gave me these Dr Reddys brand and within 48 hours of taking it I felt like I was having withdrawal symptoms. I went back to cvs, they wouldn’t take the script back and swap it so I had to pay another $120 for my old brand and then felt totally better after taking it… why on earth this has not been looked into or taken off the market is beyond me!! Absolutely ridiculous!!

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